Is 10"x10"x10" a big enough nesting box?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 10, 2011
We are going to use buckets for our nesting boxes. We have a few 5 gallon buckets, but I found a 10"x10" bucket that would fit into the space better. We have one Buff Orpington, one Easter Egger, and one Welsummer. Will the bucket be big enough? I know Buff Orpingtons get pretty big.
I don't think so............
My smallest nests are about 12x14.
Thier favorite nests are cardboard boxes.
I think it is because they can hide thier heads......
The Welsummer is your smallest bird, and MY Welsummer would not fit in a met box that size. She happens to be broody right now, and is sharing a large, covered kitty litter box with a Silver Sebright hen who went broody first.

10x10x10 would be suitable for the Silver Sebright all by herself.
Alright, the Kikkoman soy sauce 5 gallon bucket it is then! My chicks will be laying in style... when they get old enough that is.

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