is a 10x12 gambrel highside shed big enough for 15 standard hens

Plenty of room 120 sq. feet??? That is HUGE easily fit 40 hens in there, especially of the free range...
Good luck, and share pictures when you get 'er done
that'll be plenty of room for them. thats double the min sq footage per bird!!
thanks everyone yeah illbe sure to post pictures when its done . ijust want something big enough to be able to move around nice to be able to clean out coop and have lots of room.also will have a overhead loft for hay and grain storage and shavings . yeah something tells me ill have more chickens when its done gets addicting fast
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i have a12x12 run with a metal roof on it for winter time. they come out as long as it isnt stormy. last couple days they came out to my big 300x300 run for the first time since the christmas storm. the big 14inch storm all but gone. its funny watching them some walk on snow others dont like touching snow.

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