Is a GQF mini chickbator worth the cash?


10 Years
Nov 29, 2009
Tacoma WA
Hi Folks,
I was wondering if the GQF chickbator has any chance at all of hatching eggs.
Does anyone have any experience with them?
I know that with it's small size, it would be susceptible to room temperature changes, would wrapping it in a blanket help?
Thanks for your help,
Never used one myself, but have hear some bad things about them. The small to hold the temp right is the biggest complain. Either build one or save your money and get a store bought one. Either way I think you would be better off.
They have some nice plans here. But I think if you follow some of MissPrissy's more conventional plans, you can't go wrong. She does go overbroad sometimes, but she proves a great point, you can hatch eggs in anything if you keep the temp and humidity correct.
I hatched out 2 out of 3 eggs with mine. I had to use more aluminum foil for more heat from the light bulb and to retain the heat I had to place it inside a small cardboard box. You'd have to buy a digital thermometer with a probe because the thermometer tht comes with it doesn't work that well. It is a lot work though. I rotated them six times a day and placing the foil just right took me a long time.
put a light bulb in a box and you have the same thing. no thermostat or air flow. spend twice the money and get a 1602 (42.00) and you will have better luck.
Yup. Same here it went to the garbage now I have 2 little giants, much easier to work with

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