Is anyone able to help with my sick duck?


May 6, 2018
I have a 2 yr old muscovy duck that was completely fine yesterday today its neck is stiff and it seems pretty low on energy and strength its wings are not as neatly tucked as well which was the give away somethings wrong I also noticed it seems a little airy around its gizzard area could it be a gas build up or something? I have not noticed anything different on what's being eaten etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I will be taking electrolyte water down just in case. It seems very into drinking but has no desire to eat when I went to let them out all 3 pails of water was empty (I fill them daily)
So I picked my duck up to check it over on making sure I wasnt missing injuries and it just had a bunch of water come out its mouth so I set it down to make sure it was ok and then I picked it back up to put it back in the coop and it had a bunch more come up am I missing something????
gizzard area
Gizzard area? The gizzard is ~where this blue oval is.
duck gizzard.png

chicken skeleton and gizzard 4 d.png
Sorry I was a bit frantic on trying to figure out what was wrong and couldn't remember the exact name for the area. Thank you for the correction. I ment the crop area.
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He finally looks better today and ate today not as spunky as usual but a good bit better. So I'm still not sure what went wrong but just glad to see a slight improvement.

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