Is anyone else getting really scared?

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11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Kodiak, Alaska
I have always been someone who figures I can take care of myself and I will always find a way. I'm not an alarmist and I haven't ever thought the "end of the world" is coming. I don't have much invested in the stock market other than my retirement, but with everything that is going on I am really, really starting to get scared.

I am the primary bread winner in our family, as my husband is a custom knife maker working from home. The company I work for is a solid, private native corporation and has pretty diversified investments, but I am beginning to worry about how all the collapses might affect them.

We raise the chickens, fish and hunt (and garden, when we can), so we are not completely dependant upon "commercial" provisions. But we have a modest mortgage that we couldn't pay if I lost my job.

I am really getting worried about where we're headed. WW III, depression, being taken over by China? I'm 36 years old and this is the first time in my life I have ever felt like maybe things won't really work out. If it was just my husband and I wouldn't worry, but i'm terrified of what my daughter wil have to face in another 10-15 years when she becomes and adult. Will there be anything left?

Am I the only one that feels like this? Am I overreacting?

What are you going to do? Your only hurting yourself by allowing yourself to get this stressed out about it. There isn't much you can do if its part of the Big Man's plan... So go to church, hug your family, and say a prayer. It will all work out.....

And if it don't, I'm moving to Canada, you can follow me.....
Relax. The end of the world has been coming at least once every generation and empire as long as humans could communicate. If you are still on the internet, you must have a life better than the majority of the people on this earth who can't feed or clothe themselves.
* Don't know. BUT, I don't have any money riding the market right now. Instead, I'm trying to decide what I want to buy at these incredible prices, if and when, there's a whiff of a break in the log-jam. Haven't seen what I'm looking for yet though. :|

What are you going to do? Your only hurting yourself by allowing yourself to get this stressed out about it. There isn't much you can do if its part of the Big Man's plan... So go to church, hug your family, and say a prayer. It will all work out.....

And if it don't, I'm moving to Canada, you can follow me.....

Since I live in Alaska I think the Canadians would just adopt me.
Everytime we've driven through Canada they ask if we're from the United States or Alaska!

Thanks everyone for the reassurances. I rarely panic. Guess it's time to quit watching the news again!
I work in transit, so things are booming for us and my job is not in jeopardy in any way shape or form. That is the good news. The bad iswhen the economy gets better our ridership goes down.....
The only comfort I take is taking things one day at a time. Am I ok? Am I right with my maker? Am I living within my means? Am I saving where I can?
Whether religious or not, faith is something that can bring comfort!
NO. Don't think you're overreacting at all to what's coming. I think you're completely normal, looking at it head-on without pulling an "ostrich". We're about to go through some majorly tough times as a country. I heard a financial analyst say today that he predicts a "severe depression" for 2009. Already, a silent famine is sweeping the world (this is on official newsites; check it out). Eventually, with the way things are lining up, it will end up here. It's terrifying to consider.

What I'm doing: preparing my heart in God, first, and preparing my house. I truly believe that this is the quiet before the storm; a time of taking stock, of all aspects of our lives. It may not seem quiet now but perspectives have a way of changing, situationally-speaking.

I'm also praying for our country/people to turn to God. I know, I know: many eyes are probably rolling. But I say that with humbleness & humility (NOT piousness) because, believe me, I've been on both sides of that spectrum. Meaning, as a lukewarm thought-I-was-a-Christian existence (but really just living my life the way I wanted to and interjecting God in when it worked for me), to a walking believer who follows His ways, not mine. I much prefer the later.
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