Is anyone else made fun of because they like chickens?

My honest opinion. Kids who grow up on farms and who have such a love and devotion to something like your chickens grow up to be better adults in life. They grow up to be more responsible and compasionate. I think children need responsibility when they are young. Just like your chickens are your responsibility now. You have a jump start on all of those kids teasing you. Just think of it that way. I too am obsessed with my chickens. I love them. I would spend all day with them if I could. My co-workers tend to make jokes, but they do understand. They ask me questions about them and get excited when I send them new pics of the new babies. Just hang in there, be strong, and when you think you can't handle the teasing any more go hang out with your chicks.
Rise about the taunting... lift your head up high, shoulders back, and just give them a look of real distain.... dont respond to the jibes... never, or they will know they have gotten to you..... just rise above it all, you will be the stronger for doing so, they will look totally stupid as they are meant to be...........

.... you just keep on enjoying your chickens.. cause they love you.....
I'm 35 years old and there is nothing I enjoy more than hanging out with my chickens. My grown up friends all look at me like I'm nuts but honestly I don't care. Everyone has their own thing that makes them happy and there's no rule that everyone else has to understand. It's all about making yourself happy. My three kids (7, 11 & 14) all love the chickens too and won't give anyone a reason for it. It's what they love and if others don't understand it then there's something wrong with them and we all know who is really missing out! Have a thick skin and remember you don't have to defend yourself to anyone. Just keep making yourself happy.
You are a smart girl!!

Us older people can take the abuse but younger people take it to heart too much. We smart people know that chickens rule.

Edited for grammar mistakes. Lol. talk about smart.
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If you are proud of being different than the comments won't bother you any more. Certainly don't hit anyone over it. Just laugh and say that, yeah, you're a connoiseur of fine chickens. They will be so confused by your vacabulary that they will feel like fools.

I do really understand how bad it can get at times. When I was growing up in Brooklyn I loved horses (still do), and did reports on them, wore cowboy boots & hats, and spent all summer at riding camps. Since New York kids aren't known to have much to do with horses I was harrased mercilessly at times. For several years my nick name was Mr. Ed (now I'm dating myself), which is kind of rough on a young girls self esteem.

You will be fine. Learn to roll with the punches and be glad you are unique!

Chickens rock and anyone who does not think so is the weirdo in my eyes. I love my chickens and some of my family does not understand my love for my chickens. I like my kids to be apart of it and watch the chickens help me feed them and water them collect eggs and watch them hatch and grow. Some of my family says I'll give my kids bird flu and so on I'v even been called chicken lady by some of my family. It does not bother me because keeping chickens is my passion I would NEVER feel bad about somthing I was passionate about. Kids can be mean about things they do not understand. Ignore them, It may or may not stop the picking but if it does not I would keep telling myself...

"I know more then they know and they are blind to what I see"

Never feel bad about being picked on for your love of chickens. Look at how many chicken loves are here. Even my little brother who calls me chicken lady has slowly fallen inlove with my silkies and he was the worse picker on me about rasing chickens.
They think it's weird that I like chickens. I think it's weird that they chase after balls like Golden Retrievers.(nothing against them, I think that they are wonderful dogs, just not terribly intelligent.)
I spent all of last year getting everybody to think I was totally insane. I have a large group of friends,because I wasn't afraid to really probe people for friend qualities, and everybody else is the rejects-the people that I REALLY don't like. So I made them think I dwas insane.
Besides, you are going to live longer, be happier, and be healthier then all of those potato chip eating, video game playing jerks. So go fry up some eggs and cuddle some chickies!
P.S. Don't hit them. Pity da fools.
DH and I are guilty of making chicken jokes and noises, so anyone who teases, I take it as a compliment. We haven't had any negative remarks so I haven't been offended. Ignore those you do; just consider the source. My city friend loves my eggs and she is goofy about her cats so to each his own, I say.

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