Is Bluekote drying?


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN
I got some Bluekote today, but I wondered if it was at all drying. I've got to keep the wounds moist. It says it has glycerin in the ingredients. Just wanted to know how current users feel. Thanks.
We use bluekote alot and I mean alot. Hubby raises and trains coon dogs, and they always seem to be coming home inqured in some way. I use it on everything from the dogs to chickens and rabbits. It works really well. It will remain tacky for a few days usually 2 if it is really humid alittle longer. And then dry out. It seems to do a good job of keeping dirt out of the wound as well as flies away from them also. Hope this helps
Well I believe Blukote saved my hens lives. It does contain alcohol, but regardless of that it seems to have worked a miracle on my girls. And their wounds were very bad!
I wouldn't have animals without it. I'm sure it hurts like the dickens since it does have 32% alcohol by volume. It's saved more than one pecking death to say the least. Ingredients say:

Sodium Propionate 9.1%
Gentian Violet 1%
Acriflavin 0.15%
in a special base of water
Isopropyl Alcohol

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