Is Dumor a good starter feed?

shadow rabbit10

7 Years
Mar 3, 2012
New Jersey
Hi everyone,
So, my chicks are coming next week and I have everything for the brooder, I just wasn't sure about the feed. the lady at TSC who has chickens said that she feed her chicks Dumor Chick Starter. I noticed that the bag said "for starting turkeys, quail, pheasant, and chukar", but the lady said it was fine for chicks. My bigger concern is that the feed is not medicated and I didn't know if it should be. Should I feed medicated? Is this a good brand? I have heard people who like this brand, and people who dont, so I am really not sure. I was going to feed Purina if this is not a good brand, because our only options are Dumor, Purina, and the rediculously expensive ManaPro. We don't really know a place where you can get homemade feed, so this is not an option.
I have started all my chicks on Dumor and my laying hens are also on Dumor. I have not had a problem with dumor before, some people don't like Dumor products. At the end, its really up to you want to feed your birds.

I thought Dumor did make medicated (And non medicated) chick starter?

Dumor chick starter is for chicks, geese, ducks, turkeys, quail and chukar. That's what it says on TSC's website.

Good Luck with your decision!
I looks like we posted at the exact same time! I just purchased DuMor Starter and noticed that the back of the back says that chickens should be started on the Starter/Grower formula. Any thoughts on that? I did just get a closer look at the bag and I do find it odd that there is not a lot of information on it...
I looks like we posted at the exact same time! I just purchased DuMor Starter and noticed that the back of the back says that chickens should be started on the Starter/Grower formula. Any thoughts on that? I did just get a closer look at the bag and I do find it odd that there is not a lot of information on it...
Back of the bag...
generally speaking, you can feed quail, chickens, turkey..almost any bird any type of feed, as long as the protien is high enough and its the correct grind for that size bird.

generally speaking.

I always find the stuff i can get a hold of and determine myself if i like the brand.
I looks like we posted at the exact same time!  I just purchased DuMor Starter and noticed that the back of the back says that chickens should be started on the Starter/Grower formula.  Any thoughts on that?  I did just get a closer look at the bag and I do find it odd that there is not a lot of information on it...

The starter/grower is focused more on ducks and chickens, and has less protein than the starter. However, I have heard that some people preffer the regular starter because they think the higher protein is better. I just still don't know if it should be medicated or not. Is Dumor medicated? It doesn't say so on the bag. Medicated or not? Does it matter?
Hi everyone,
So, my chicks are coming next week and I have everything for the brooder, I just wasn't sure about the feed. the lady at TSC who has chickens said that she feed her chicks Dumor Chick Starter. I noticed that the bag said "for starting turkeys, quail, pheasant, and chukar", but the lady said it was fine for chicks. My bigger concern is that the feed is not medicated and I didn't know if it should be. Should I feed medicated? Is this a good brand? I have heard people who like this brand, and people who dont, so I am really not sure. I was going to feed Purina if this is not a good brand, because our only options are Dumor, Purina, and the rediculously expensive ManaPro. We don't really know a place where you can get homemade feed, so this is not an option.
I either used that, or the "starter/grower" of DuMor feed. I love that brand, actually, and have not heard any bad things about it, myself, or experienced anything bad. Tractor supply tends to give good information, but all pet stores (and similar stores) will tell you almost anything to get you to buy their products, or pretend they know the answer, even if they don't. I'm sure that the "starter" will work, but if you can get the "starter/grower" I would recommend doing that. They can eat the "starter/grower" longer, as the "starter" feed will not be ideal for when they get a bit older (they tell you when to switch kinds of feed on the back of the feed).

I feed my girls the DuMor, and they are very healthy, with bright red combs, beautiful feathers, and smooth legs. There may be "better" brands, but they seem very expensive - my girls love their feed, so why should I pay twice as much, for half the feed?

EDIT: Here is an article on medicated feed:
"Medicated chick starter is like an insurance policy, aimed at preventing a single disease called coccidiosis, caused by an intestinal parasite. This parasite is wide spread and found in just about every chicken yard. It thrives in damp conditions and with brooder-raised chicks. it is the number one cause of death in chicks throughout the world.
The medication in medicated starter feeds such as Nutrenda Medicated Crumbles is called Amprolium and is a coccidiostat. Meaning, it's an agent added to chick feed to help prevent coccidiosis in young birds. No matter how hard you work to keep the coop and pen clean, as the chicks scratch, peck and explore their world, they ingest the coccidiosis from the feces around them. It's normal for birds to ingest a few of these organisms and to build up immunity over time. But cocci multiply rapidly in the gut and too many mean trouble.
Symptoms of infected chicks include a red or range tint to the feces, a drop in feed consumption, huddling, and acting lethargic. For beginning poultry enthusiasts, the symptoms may be hard to spot, and chicks can become permanently stunted, or even die, before you get medication. The low dose of coccidiostats used in medicated chick starter feed allows a small amount of coccidiosis to survive so that the birds can naturally build up immunity to it.

-Backyard Poultry, April/May 2012 - Volume 7 number 2. Page numbers 54-55
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I have heard that some people like the plain starter better because they think that the higher protein level is better. So you recommend medicated? How much more likely are chicks to get coccidiosis if I don't give them medicated?
I have heard that some people like the plain starter better because they think that the higher protein level is better. So you recommend medicated? How much more likely are chicks to get coccidiosis if I don't give them medicated?

I never gave mine medicated feed - they did fine without it. Although, I did have one teen bird die, but I doubt it was from coccidiosis. I wouldn't say that the chances are very high of your birds getting it. I've heard some people don't like it, others wouldn't dream of not using it. I am not an expert, so don't take my word on this 100%, but I would think if you kept your brooder very clean, you wouldn't have a problem. I cleaned mine out every other day, to keep down the smell, so maybe try to do it every 2-3 days, depending on how messy they are.

Hopefully someone can tell you a bit more about this!

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