Hi everyone,
So, my chicks are coming next week and I have everything for the brooder, I just wasn't sure about the feed. the lady at TSC who has chickens said that she feed her chicks Dumor Chick Starter. I noticed that the bag said "for starting turkeys, quail, pheasant, and chukar", but the lady said it was fine for chicks. My bigger concern is that the feed is not medicated and I didn't know if it should be. Should I feed medicated? Is this a good brand? I have heard people who like this brand, and people who dont, so I am really not sure. I was going to feed Purina if this is not a good brand, because our only options are Dumor, Purina, and the rediculously expensive ManaPro. We don't really know a place where you can get homemade feed, so this is not an option.
So, my chicks are coming next week and I have everything for the brooder, I just wasn't sure about the feed. the lady at TSC who has chickens said that she feed her chicks Dumor Chick Starter. I noticed that the bag said "for starting turkeys, quail, pheasant, and chukar", but the lady said it was fine for chicks. My bigger concern is that the feed is not medicated and I didn't know if it should be. Should I feed medicated? Is this a good brand? I have heard people who like this brand, and people who dont, so I am really not sure. I was going to feed Purina if this is not a good brand, because our only options are Dumor, Purina, and the rediculously expensive ManaPro. We don't really know a place where you can get homemade feed, so this is not an option.