Is Egg C ok?


In the Brooder
May 16, 2019
I have 3 turkey eggs incubating that I got from a friends heritage turkey. We think she was sitting for at least a day/night before I got them. I candled today (allegedly day 6). Egg A looks textbook perfect to me. Great veining, obvious embryo spot, good air cell. Egg B is questionable, a dark mass sinks as I turn the egg, but I see veining in there. Giving that one a few more days-a week. Egg C however has a very clear dark red vein, I’ll attach a video if I can. I’m not sure if it’s the beginning of a red ring or if he’s still ok. I’m hand turning 5x a day, still air incubator at 25% humidity for now.
Boo. Okay, thanks for your help. I’m going to leave him in for a few more days and see if there’s a change just in case. Thank you.

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