Is Everyone Loving This Heat?

I stuck the outdoor part of my digital thermometer in the blazing sun at 3:00 one afternoon and it read 113*. In my screen room it was 98*. I'm really beginning to hate Summer anymore. We've been so parched here and 3 weeks ago, the forestry website showed Florida had 83 fires going. The smoke has been horrendous at times. Thankfully we got some much needed rain last night, but the lightening that came with it was frightening in what it could cause. But it sure was beautiful to watch!

Only 5 more months till November and the cooler weather.
My poor chickens are panting daily and I worry about them.
I'm loving it! The chickens? Not so much. I've been putting ice in their waterers and they really enjoy that. I also put an extra water in their coop to prevent it from evaporating during the hottest hours of the day. Another tip to keep them cool is to take some Layena (or whatever crumbles/pellets you feed your birds) and run water over it, to turn it into mash, and then stick it in the freezer for about ten to fifteen minutes. When the time is up, get your Chicken feedsicle out of the freezer and toss it into the coop. Then, just sit back and watch them peck at it and shred it to pieces. My birds LOVE it cold like that.
Heat? We are finally making it into the 70's during the day. And we keep getting rain that we don't need, we've been dealing with flooding since the snow melted in April.

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