Is fibro a gene that can be diluted?

Curious, why do you want to dilute it? I have one FIBRO EE and i want his black skin to pass to his babies sooo bad (i havent bred him yet). Just logically thinking, will it dilute if you bred them with a white skinned chicken? Sorry i have more questions than answers lol
I do not want it diluted, i just don’t want to advertise them later as fibro if it is diluted. I honestly don’t know too much about the fibro gene, we only got these two little guys to keep our other chick company
Oh gotcha! That makes sense. Sorry I cant help ya here. I am curious what others who have bred FIBROs say tho!
Share some pics! Your avatar is lovely!

If you want to breed them, you probably don’t want to breed the 3/4 Ayam Cemani-1/4 Barred Rock to anything other than good quality Ayam Cemani.

I kinda understand the 25% Barred Rock situation. It was either an accident or could be intentional to put some weight on the melanistic birds.

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