Is Four Weeks too young to move chicks to outside coop?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
I have eleven four week old Delaware chicks that are getting too big for the their inside brooder. They keep knocking over their little feeder and waterer. Is it too soon to move them out to their newly built chicken coop and run? They are pretty feathered out. We live in MS where it has been 103 during the day and in the high 70's at night.


Proud Owners of 11 Delaware chicks, 14 Black Australorp hens, 3 Nigerian Dwarf Goats, 2 Yorkshire sows, 1 Duroc Boar, 19 piglets, 2 Shire Horses, 3 Australian Shepherds, 1 Irish Wolfhound and 4 cats
They should be fine. May want to turn on a heat lamp at night.

Oh, I just re-read and see that you say it's in the high 70s at night. They probably don't need a light at night, after all.
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I moved my youngest 2 at 4 weeks. It was warm enough not to use the heat lamp. However, they may need a night light or light due to being afraid of the dark.
I agree, I would move them out, no heat. I would have hay or pine shavings or whatever to cuddle into if they want, and I wouldn't worry about it if they sleep in a nest box for a few weeks. You can always close it off in a month or so.
my little girls seem fine at night and day at 3 and 4 weeks outside. Summer being here has a lot to do with my confidense. The brood box is closed all day long with sun on it and stays warm into the night and in the morning they run to get out eat drink and play

move them out with no heat they will be fine, I never keep mine inside longer than 4 mo and they always do well.
Ok, so I will move them out to their new home on Tuesday.
Second question, should I keep them in their coop for 4-5 days until they get used to that is where they should sleep before opening the door to their run? (There are windows in the coop and vents so there is air flow).

Proud Owners of 11 Delaware chicks, 14 Black Australorp hens, 3 Nigerian Dwarf Goats, 2 Yorkshire sows, 1 Duroc Boar, 19 piglets, 2 Shire Horses, 3 Australian Shepherds, 1 Irish Wolfhound and 4 cats
Oh! And keeping them in the coop for a few days sounds like a good idea, but I moved my chicks into the run first cuz the coop wasn't quite done and they still adapted to the coop fine so I wouldn't say that's necessary... Maybe just one day in the coop so they're not totally overwhelmed by all the space.

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