Is her umbillicus okay?

one of her legs (the one she stands on) has bulked up like its supposed to but the other one is still small and colorless. I don't think it's dehydration because now her poop is how it's supposed to be and she's pooping more as well. I felt around on her leg and that's the part she flinches at when I touch.
one of her legs (the one she stands on) has bulked up like its supposed to but the other one is still small and colorless. I don't think it's dehydration because now her poop is how it's supposed to be and she's pooping more as well. I felt around on her leg and that's the part she flinches at when I touch.
What part of her leg does she flinch when you touch it? you may just have to reconcile yourself to having a special needs duck. They can do real well as long as they get the care and treatment they need. Hows her bill looking today? I may have given you this but it has good info on perosis slipped tendon. if you scroll down you'll see the info on slipped tendon
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not yet, sorry I didn't answer I was dealing with some personal things. I gave them another bath but she started breathing really hard, everytime she breathed I could see water coming out of her nostril. she's even shaking, what can I do??
I didn't see this until now how is your duckling? @lovelyducklings
she's doing better :) but I'm busy right now, later I'll reply back with wha part of her leg is hurting. her bill still looks bad, looks like only her bottom bill is growing
she's doing better
but I'm busy right now, later I'll reply back with wha part of her leg is hurting. her bill still looks bad, looks like only her bottom bill is growing
She'll need a deep enough bowl she can reach down and scoop up her feed . It's much better for the bottom to be longer than the the top to be, she should be able to scoop her feed up with longer bill on bottom.
her bottom bill is too long though, it's not normal. the part a over her feet is the part that hurts
That is the purpose of giving them feed in a deeper bowl so they can scoop up with bottom bill. I know it's not normal, how is she doing when eating is she able to eat okay?
Do you mean the part of her leg right above her foot? looks a little swollen.

as for the clicking you said last night she had water draining out her nare she may have sucked some water down into her air sac[equivalent of lungs in humans]does her nostril[nare] looked clogged or is it open? another question when you had her in water last night does she use her bum leg at all?
I can hardly see through her now so yes it's clogged, and she only moved it if I encouraged her to (little pushing her softly) she's eating well. here are some updated pictures of her legs


and here her beak

what can I do to help her breathing??

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