Is it a He or a She?


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
This is our BO, he had CRD when we got him/her, bless it's heart it fought hard to live, plus about $100 in medicine.
He named it Hercules thinking a Rooster, but his comb and waddles are not getting bigger and he is not crowing hatched last of May or first of April.
Any ideas?

Our BO is a girl (we think). She is 8 weeks. SHe looks kinda similar to your but her comb isn't as prominent yet. THe waiting to find out is hard, isn't it?
My 2 older BO's have much smaller combs, but my year old Hen has about the same size waddles. I have 5 other BO's that are about a month younger than this one, so far they all look girlish:fl
Did you mean last of April or first of May? So it's, what, about 3 - 3-1/2 months old? This was my roo at about that age.


He started crowing at 12-13 weeks. HTH
OOPS! I meant last of March first of April. This was my CRD Chick, could that delay his crowing?
I always thought it was a male, but when it didn't start crowing, I began to second guess myself

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