Is it hypocritical if you eat fried chicken, but keep chickens as a pet?

I, too, have debated this philosophical question with myself. To be a hypocrite is to say one thing, and do another. So, as long as you don't eat your pet chickens, I think you are still telling yourself the truth. Not all chickens are your pet chickens, after all. 😄
We celebrated the arrival of our first three chicks by going out and getting fried chicken. It was delicious. Hubby still refuses to entertain the idea of eating birds we raise (though I pointed out that the pet/laying flock would still be pets, I'd get meat birds if I was interested in cooking them).
No. People might say things to you, but it's best to ignore it. I raise my own meat because I love chickens and respect them. I don't want to support the commercial meat industry that doesn't often give them a good life. Some people could say go vegan, but I don't see that as rational. Meat is good for us, and I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with eating it to sustain yourself. You wouldn't say another animal should feel bad for killing another to eat (even chickens kill bugs and sometimes mice to eat), so I don't know why certain people try to make that argument for humans. Yes, we should always try to minimize or eliminate suffering when possible, but there is nothing inherently wrong with eating meat.

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