Is it me or is having chickens complicated?


Dec 5, 2022
Mountain City TN
It’s almost 1 am and my head hurts after reading so many fascinating and educational posts from other chicken lovers. I’m trying to learn as much as I can but the more I learn, I get overwhelmed and begin to think that I have no business being a chicken “Mom”. I am fond of my ladies and Mr. Roo. I think we built a nice and roomy coop and a very safe large yard to dig up and hunt in. They have good food and fresh water whenever they want it. They always come running when they see me cause they love my treats. I love it when they relax and sleep in my arms as I sing to them. Really, I am surprised that they like my singing cause I sound awful. I’m obsessed with counting the ladies, making sure they are all safe.
However, tonight I found a dead hen. There wasn’t much left of her, she was completely hollowed out. I could clearly see blood on the neck and face feathers of 2 light colored hens. I think they murdered her and became cannibals. So, after hours of reading, I have read about chicken diseases, parasites, coop maintenance and more. I have not found anything about hens killing another hen and eating it. I’m realizing that there’s much more to do besides the feeding chickens, cleaning the coop, and socializing with the ladies. I am realizing that chickens are not easy. What have I missed with this casualty? They could have a disease and I would not realize it because I lack the knowledge. Perhaps I am just too old to do all the things that a lot of you do for your chickens. How did some of you learn so much ? Are chickens really so vulnerable? If I can’t recognize a sick chicken and feed them properly, maybe I shouldn’t keep them ? I don’t have any answers to this.Thank you in advance for your helpful answers !
Chickens are a very complicated animal, to say the least. Most people believe that all you have to do is get a coop, a run, and feed the chickens while you watch them grow up. That is not all you have to do, and that is only the beginning to things you will experience later on. Chickens are fairly easy to care for when you have studied them, and I believe you need to stop worrying so largely about your chickens. Take a break, and study only what you need to at the time. Remember that BackYard Chickens is there for you if you need to ask a question. Do not stress yourself.

It sounds like your issue is that a predator came into the pen and killed your hen, then the rest of the chickens did what chickens do: become cannibals and finish the hen off, since chickens see that as a free source of protein. I want you to realize that your chickens would not suddenly, at random, attack your hen and kill her that fast. That is the doings of a predator, not her flockmates. If her flockmates did kill her, you would have noticed slow feather-picking and wounds on her before she died.
I don't think chickens are complicated, I think people are. Each of us comes to this hobby with expectations. Some peoples expectations are unrealistic from my point of view.

They are not going to live for ever. You can't change that. What you can do is make sure they have a shelter, water and feed.

Chickens can die suddenly - so can people, chickens suffer from heart ailments, genetic ailments, just like people - you really can't change that. What you can do is make sure they have a shelter, water and feed.

Sometimes chickens get injured or sick, they get better or they die and often times this is whether you treat them or not - you really can't change that. What you can do is make sure they have a shelter, water and feed.

Sometimes predators get them. Sometimes when they are out free ranging eating grasshoppers having a grand chicken life. Some people die in car accidents, but we all still ride in cars. You can try once again to make things more predator proof, but predators are smart.

You just need to give them the best life you can. What you can do is make sure they have a shelter, water and feed. Accept that they won't live forever... but then you have room for new chicks.

Mrs K
Chickens are easy relatively speaking, certainly easier than a dog or even a rat. It's fairly rare that chickens will kill each other, however they will munch on dead members if they can. I've found 2 chicks eating another chick that died via accident, they certainly didn't kill her but took advantage of the fact that she was dead.

How predator proof is your set up? Where was the body found? Assessing for illness is generally fairly basic by just looking for any behavior that's out of the norm - I assume in this case you didn't notice anything like that? As gruesome as it sounds, it's always best to photograph what you find and mark the post appropriately (i.e. "Graphic: found a dead hen") so the situation can be assessed.
Wow, an eagle? That is so intimidating. Right now the chickens have about a quarter of an acre to roam around. We have 12 chickens which includes a rooster.
Do you notice any pickings or do they generally seem to be happy and get along?

I agree with others that it was likely a predator. Weasels and minks can get in to really small spaces, but other predators are crafty as well.

I’m sorry for your loss. Try not to take it so personally. They’re outdoor animals, exposed to lots of things, and casualties will happen. Even with indoor pets, sickness and disease can strike. Nothing will live forever on this earth, and that doesn’t mean you’re not fit to care for an animal. You’re giving them a far better life than they could have had, and one day it will end, likely through no fault of your own. As long as you’re not completely negligent, you can’t shoulder that blame. It’s not for you to carry. You do your best, you learn as you go, and you love and care for them to the best of your ability. Expecting anything beyond that is expecting too much of yourself.
My husband David found her body under the coop. We are pretty confident that predators are not able to get into the chicken area. I have to remember to take pictures but hopefully it won’t happen again. Thank you for the reassurance about chicken ownership
Pictures would be really helpful to get a thorough answer from people much more experienced than myself.

I find chickens to be a very easy pet, but I’ve also had casualties. Mostly illness but also an Eagle once. How much room to roam do your chickens have? How many chickens do you have total?

Chickens will pick on each other if confined to too small a space, or if one is ill/lame.

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