The last time I bought chick starter, I bought a bag of DuMor non-organic from the breeder. This time I wanted to do something good for the chickens, so I went to the organic feed store and spent more than twice as much on local feed. When I opened the bag, it was about 80% powder. The entire 50lb bag looks like the powder that was left in the very bottom of the DuMor bag. I've attached a pic of it. The stuff in the bucket is the local feed, and the stuff in my hand is the DuMor feed.
I tried feeding and handful to them and when they initially tried eating it, it was so powdery that they started sneezing. After that they wouldn't go near it. I tried contacting the feed company and they would not respond online. After multiple attempts, they responded telling me to call them. I feel like they might just be trying to get me to call so they can BS me into thinking this is acceptable.
Am I off base here? Is this how organic feed normally looks?
The last time I bought chick starter, I bought a bag of DuMor non-organic from the breeder. This time I wanted to do something good for the chickens, so I went to the organic feed store and spent more than twice as much on local feed. When I opened the bag, it was about 80% powder. The entire 50lb bag looks like the powder that was left in the very bottom of the DuMor bag. I've attached a pic of it. The stuff in the bucket is the local feed, and the stuff in my hand is the DuMor feed.
I tried feeding and handful to them and when they initially tried eating it, it was so powdery that they started sneezing. After that they wouldn't go near it. I tried contacting the feed company and they would not respond online. After multiple attempts, they responded telling me to call them. I feel like they might just be trying to get me to call so they can BS me into thinking this is acceptable.
Am I off base here? Is this how organic feed normally looks?