is it normal for chickens to go through molt this time of year?

I wonder if some of mine have been molting or if it was from this totally agressive RIR I used to have. My Momma that hatched out 3 babies has grown her feathers back but the other ones haven't. It does look like they are starting to, but some sure do look worse than others.
About half of my 22 hens are moulting right now. They are still laying but at a slower rate. Mostly they just look like Sunday dinner running around the yard! lol
Mine have started.
It seems a little early to me, been doing this for 40+ years and it seems mid October is more normal here.
I think it's gonna be an early fall and winter. I have trees turning and several of my ornamental plants have finished their life cycle which usually ran to the end of October.
It's been a strange year, we really have not a much of a summer here in Eastern Missouri.
I have a buff comet hen and her tailfeathers are all skewed, kinda like a splayed-out featherduster. She looks as if she just got a huge electric shock. None of mine have started laying yet at only 13 weeks, but they really seem big for only 13 weeks.

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