is it normal

I think that might be a bit much and rather early. It's been a while since my last but I think the last month or so of pregnancy or so it's normal to gain a 1lbs or so a week. I believe the total weight gain should be some where are 30lbs.
I put on 65lbs with my OB nagged me son, but he was a perfectly happy, healthy 9.5lb-er. I would say as long as it's not water weight - either she's swelling, or getting too much amniotic fluid buildup, she's fine.
Yes, I've read that 25-30lb gain is ideal. I gained 45lb with #1 (8lb 5oz baby) and 60lb with #2 (3lb 12oz baby) In both cases I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within a couple of months, and no deliberate efforts.

7 lb in three weeks may be a bit much, but what probably matters more are things like her sugar levels and other symptoms such as leg/ankle swelling. Is she eating a healthy, varied diet with lots of fruits and vegetables and plenty of liquids?
she tries to eat healthy. her work(for doctors office) gets catered almost dailey. but she doesnt eat a whole lot. we are worried about gestational diabetes.
my niece is also prego. she does have g.diabetes. she weighned 80lbs wheb she got prego and has had alot of problems. she is so huge she can barely get around. her baby is due september 24. but they are talkingabout delivering her within the next 3 weeks.the baby has dropped position already. she has to have an ultrasound everyweek until he is born. sh has to keep a pillow on bothsides of her belly when she sits down. her legs and back hurts all of the time. they are going to discuss a c section next week.

sorry back to my dd... I saw her sunday and again today and she has grown since sunday. I didnt start gaining weight until I was 7 months prego. I had galbladder problems when I was prego with her. stayed sick the whole pregnancy and kept loosing weight. had my galbladder removed when she was 2 months old. I also was sick the whole time for my other two pregnancies and kept loosing weight until close to the end. my dd is lucky the only time she has been sick was when she had a virus. I am just not used to rapid weight gane in pregnancies.
I didn't gain weight with my son (9lb5oz) stayed the same weight, it just went from flubber to mostly baby and some flubber, but it was a gain of 50lb with my daughter (9lb9oz). Though my belly was HUUUUUUUUGe, I mean, it looked like I'd swallered a jumbo watermelon
With the weight gain, I got nagged at the OBGYN for that, constantly, though I was very healthy throughout the whole pregnancy, no gestational diabetes, swelling, nothing out of the ordinary, and I was back to prepreg weight within a few months.

As long as she's eating healthy and getting some mild exercise, things should be alright! Good luck to her

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