Is It Obvious When a Hen Goes Broody??

Chickie Mamma

Farmer at Heart
11 Years
Apr 20, 2008
Sherman, CT
Hello, I have had my 3 hens for 2 years now and I don't believe I ever saw them Broody. Is it that obvious or am I oblivious??
You might have a breed that typically does not go broody.

When our Pumpkin first went broody, I thought she was having trouble laying an egg. And since she was new at being broody, it took her a couple days to figure out that she was supposed to fluff up and grumble-growl whenever I opened the coop door. By then I figured it out. Broody, big time. (She's a Buff Orp, which are prone to broodiness.)

What kind of chickens are yours?
I actually have 1 Buff Orphington and 2 Dark/light Brahmas. My Buff laid eggs all summer and stopped in October. I have not noticed any change in any of their behavior. Could it be that I take the eggs out every day?

I have Silkies that seem to be broody more often than not. They hardly leave the nest and look like they're mad at the world--this is a very serious business!

I'm sure you will know if the time comes! Genie
Hi again,

I answered before I saw your last reply! They don't need eggs to be broody, they will sit on "nothing" if they have to!

Good luck! Genie
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My buff orp went broody this fall. She wouldn't leave the nest box 24/7. I keep pushing her out and no sooner than she hit the floor she was right back in, even with me watching. She seemed to get an attitude when ever I was feeding and giving them water. I must say they are the most friendly of all I have had. This went on for 2 weeks till I bought a dozen fertile eggs. She sat and hatched the eggs. It was remarkable to watch how a broody takes care of her chicks. If you get a chance, go for it. You won't regret it.
Most of my broodies have been fairly nice. They just made threatening noses at me when I disturbed them. Then there was Buffy. When she went broodie, you took your life in your hands touching her. She would leave a bloody stump where you hand used to be. Once I tried to be nice and put food and a dish of water right next to her. The water dish was a 16 ounce cool whip dish. She threw a fit a picked the water dish up and flung it at me. How that little chicken could pick up a dish with 16 ounces of water in it and throw it as far is she did is a mystery to me. Unfortunately she and my other broodie going hens were slaughtered by the neighbor's dogs.
I just went out to the coop.. " Frank " (now Francine) has been on the nest all day. I tried to push her over and she puts her wings out and squats down, lifts butt up. I always thought this was what they do when they mate. Could that mean she's broody?
She won't move off the nest easily.
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