Is it OK to just keep a Tom and one Hen turkey?

sandy sea

16 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Rogersville MO
I had two 5 months old hen turkeys, but I lost one to a gang of wild turkey. That leaves me with only one turkey. Been looking for turkeys about the same age. It seems that most turkeys available at that age are toms. Would it be OK to just get one turkey a Tom? Any input would be great.
I had two 5 months old hen turkeys, but I lost one to a gang of wild turkey. That leaves me with only one turkey. Been looking for turkeys about the same age. It seems that most turkeys available at that age are toms. Would it be OK to just get one turkey a Tom? Any input would be great.
It's not a good idea because it is so hard on the hen. The hen will need to have places she can go to escape the tom especially when she has a nest. The nest need to not be accessible to the tom.
I had two 5 months old hen turkeys, but I lost one to a gang of wild turkey. That leaves me with only one turkey. Been looking for turkeys about the same age. It seems that most turkeys available at that age are toms. Would it be OK to just get one turkey a Tom? Any input would be great.
you usually shouldn't but if your Tom is super docile it's probably ok! But if you feel like you need another hen, Craigslist is the best place. When one of my ducks passed we easily found another in Craigslist to keep the other duck happy 😊

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