Is it Okay to Eat a Bird With Chicken Lice?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 17, 2013
Usk, British Columbia
I was slaughtering a couple of turkeys the other day and my neighbour had a young rooster she wanted me to slaughter for her. While I was plucking the rooster I noticed tiny bugs crawling around near the vent area and after some online research think they must have been chicken lice. Just wondering if the bird will still be okay to eat. It was really gross to see them crawling around but I don't want to waste the poor bird if I don't have to. Luckily, my turkeys were free of parasites. Hooray!
if its your neighbors let them eat it and when there done then you can tell them about the bugs. hahahha you dont want their bugs coming over to visit your flock do you??
Hehe. They were there during the plucking and witnessed me jumping away from the bird, yelling, "There are BUGS!". They immediately told me I could have the bird because they didn't want to eat it! Maybe one day I'll have them over for supper, feed them a different chicken and then afterwards tell them it was the bug-infested bird! teehee!
Hehe. They were there during the plucking and witnessed me jumping away from the bird, yelling, "There are BUGS!". They immediately told me I could have the bird because they didn't want to eat it! Maybe one day I'll have them over for supper, feed them a different chicken and then afterwards tell them it was the bug-infested bird! teehee!
why dont you boil it and feed it to the animals? at least it wouldnt be a waste

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