Is it okay to feed pullets yogurt?

Two thumbs up for yogurt! Mine get a daily mush: some type of fruit (today: ripe banana), oat meal or bran, barley flakes and flax meal. Sometimes I put a burst fish oil capsule or two in there, too They are absolutely crazy for it!

BTW, I started this because I have a cross beak who cannot pick food up with her beak, only scoop, so the others just really love her now!
Beautiful pics! Thank you for sharing them with us!
I like to mix some of their feed in with their yogurt. Also, this helps them figure out it's food because apparently they haven't caught onto that yet. LOL.
If your hens like yogurt, you may like to know that they'll also like milk. As far as they can fling the tiny droplets of yogurt, they can fling milk further! They were putting their heads completely into the bowl, soaking their whole face with the milk. Then, of course, they had to shake it off, onto the other hens. We regularly buy raw milk from a local farmer, and it does go sour-tasting a little more quickly than I'm used to. 'Cause of that, we end up with a small bowl of milk for them every couple weeks, and it's become their favorite thing.
Those pictures were great! Thanks for posting them.

I have also wondered if I could find local milk but I am unsure how to come about looking for it. I guess I can stop by the local farms and ask. Couldn't hurt!

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