Is it possible to build a coop able to block out a crow of a rooster?


11 Years
Apr 24, 2008
Since I cannot find a suitable home for my rooster, I am trying to figure out how to build an insulated coop, that will block out his crowing at six in the morning. Anyone know if this is possible?
Yes its called a Crock Pot...

Just Kidding not really sure what you could use.
Aww... I could never cook my sweet little Lucifer

My Dad keeps joking about it though, he is the one that has to hear it inside the house :| every morning so we don't get any more calls from the neighbors.
Sound proofing materials are the only way to do. But like Oblio said, they are not cheap.
You could try putting up several layers of regular insulation.. but that might prove to be just as expensive.
I've toyed with the idea of building an earth-sheltered coop - it'd be warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer, as well as unobtrusive and relatively quiet. Hopefully I'll be able to report back on that one of these days.

In the meantime, after dark every night I grab our two roosters off the roost and put them in one of those plastic dog carriers in our basement. They go back outside again at a reasonable hour, and I hose out the dog carrier.
Would it be that expensive if I made a very small coupe to sleep in at night? I don't know anything about this stuff, so I am completely clueless.
I was just joking I could never eat my Roo either.

Maybe try a coop with windows that can be blocked with either room darkening shades or with wood so it keeps the light out longer and maybe he wont crow so early.
Well, he sleeps in the bathroom in a gigantic plastic tub now. It is all blacked out, but he still crows at dawn. They know, even if they can't see the sun. At least he does, mabye he is psychic :| I love him so much, I can't get rid of him
I do want him to be able to crow in the morning, I mean that's his job right? That's why I am thinking about building this. I will probably be the most expensive coop ever
All for a useless rooster
My dh built our coop and it is totally insulated 3 - 4 inches thick. BUt in spring/summer we open up the top of the eaves for the breeze. As the winter approaches I add back in the pieces. What I have done sometimes is leave it open until about 4 am, wake up and then put them in and then go back to sleep. It does help quite a bit... but what a hassle.

I don't think it would be very comfortable for them to be in a totally insulated coop on a hot summer night.

I'm totally in the same dilemma. An 8 am crow is soooo much easy to handle.

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