Is it possible to hatch from egg with broken aircell? UPDATE

Um.....chickens normally hatch at 21 days. But I read that eggs with damaged air cells can be delayed a little.

Sorry, didn't I mention that these were silky duck eggs?

Not in that post I read on this page. You just said "silkies". maybe you mentioned it in a previous post.
Anyway Ryple, unless I've become too confused with the American/English date thing, I make it that you are due to hatch your silkie ducks Friday/Saturday . . . . you'll HAVE TO let us all know when they are hatching and how it is all going for you. I'm nearly as excited about your ducks as I am about my next hatch. I have a silkie chicken, but didn't know about silkie ducks.
I also have eggs in the incubator now that have moving air cells and some look like they are v shaped.
I was going to post about it but then found this thread and feel much better! I looks like all of mine are developing with a few that are too dark to really tell.. gotta get me one of those led flashlights.. I cant wait to see how everyones hatch turns out!
All five chicks are doing great. Unfortunately, instead of the 4 pullets and a roo I was hoping for it looks like I got 4 roos and a pullet.....

Anyone looking for a Welsummer roo????
2kidsn'chickens :

I also have eggs in the incubator now that have moving air cells and some look like they are v shaped.
I was going to post about it but then found this thread and feel much better! I looks like all of mine are developing with a few that are too dark to really tell.. gotta get me one of those led flashlights.. I cant wait to see how everyones hatch turns out!

So, from what I've learned, broken air cells only contribute to lower hatchability rates. I believe that if you have an easy to hatch breed, if they're otherwise fertile and fresh, and ideal conditions are carefully maintained, there should be no problem.

As for my silky ducks, that was not to be. All were fertile. all grew. I had one DIS (dead in shell) about a week from due date, and the others could never make it out. I got conflicting reports about humidity. I was confused between relative humidity and wet bulb humidity readings. I tried to maintain good conditions, but I hear silky ducks are harder to hatch, plus they got completely shook up by at least one mail carrier, and then differing opinions and practices regarding humidity, was a recipe for failure. They couldn't get through the tough membranes, even with a little help.

After that heartbreaking trauma,
, I went to a farm and bought 3 little duckies. (and two eggs, which after 10 days candled clear) My 3 little duckies are now 3.5 weeks, (1) and 1.5 weeks, (the other 2 duckies)

They're adorable, and great fun.
(but VERY messy!)

Keep on Hatchin'. (need a 'truckin' smiley here!)​
My Light Brahmas that had the v shaped air cells hatched last wednesday. I got three out of seven but after candling again two stopped developing maybe mid way and the other two looked filled with chick so.
Out of the three that hatched one was very miss proportioned. It's neck looked longer than usual and was very crooked, the whole body was off kilter, one wing higher than the other, couldnt walk. Poor thing. DH made it quick and painless, I would still torture myself even though it was the right thing to do.
The two chicks are perfect and sooooo cute!!! I frizzles do tomorrow!
How is everyone else's hatch's going?
Mine's done, and the only chick I got was from my own eggs, not the shipped ones. That chick is fine, and has been taken under the wing of a hen who hatched two chicks one day before this little guy hatched. I slipped him under her at night, and he (or she) acts like he's always been with this mom. Great relief for me, I hate trying to raise singleton chicks. They need others!
In reply to Ryple: There should be no confusion about the regime for humidity, and the best thing to do is to monitor the development of the air cell every few days. When they are grown, the air cell should fill nearly one third of the egg, I have read. I don't understand the wet bulb thing either so I don't even try! Different eggs have different humidity needs anyway. If the air cell is growing too slowly, reduce the humidity a bit and if it is enlarging too fast, increase the humidity. As there will be no appreciable evaporation from about day 19 then you need to ensure the air cell is quite large by day 18 when you candle for the last time. On day 19 you can then up the humidity. On most incubators this involves filling the second water tray and reducing the ventilation. Never cut the ventilation off completely as they need the oxygen exchange. Most manufacturers also advise you can lower the temperature slightly at this time also. Here we mimic the broody hen, who does not get off her eggs for the last two days (hence the poo in the nest, usually). Once an egg has pipped DO NOT open the incubator again until you take the chicks out. If you absolutely have to open it because they have been hatched for ages and you are just waiting for one or two stragglers, get someone else to help. Have them standing there with a warm wet cloth for each of the unhatched eggs and as soon as you open the incubator, grab the eggs FIRST and get them into the cloths as their membranes can dry out in seconds. Then deal with the chicks, then put the eggs back in the incubator with the cloths slightly open around them. Speed is all important though. I have done this and the humidity increases again really fast, so not trapping the unhatched babies in their eggs. I'm panicking at the moment because I have eggs due to hatch today, another 20 eggs on day 6 in another machine, and there was a power cut yesterday while I was out.
Thanks for the encouraging news about hatching TAC's! I have 12 Serama eggs that were shipped, and two have detatched air cells. One has little bubbles that roll around like googly eyes when I turn it. The child in me wants to shake it! The money moniter in me says leave it alone. I've been told to lay Serama eggs on thier sides, but I've also been told not to turn TAC's until day ten. Should I prop these up like many of you have been reccomending? What about an air cell on the pointy end? Is the chick going to know where it is?

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