Is it safe to let ducks and chickens free range in Northwest Arkansas?

Ming Ming

Aug 3, 2017
I live in a compact neighborhood with a 4x5 coop with a 4x8 run that contains 3 Pekin ducks a 8 (mostly bantam) chickens. So I want to let them free range when they grow up. But is it safe? We have very low to the ground trees and 80 percent is shaded with large low trees and a large open field with sheep and horses behind us. Can they free range in a fenced in backyard while no one's home? :barnie:fl
Hi and welcome. This is the New Members Introductions forum and likely not the best place to ask your question. I'd suggest posting on the duck forum - the reason why I suggest this is that many duck owners also keep / kept chickens so they will be best placed to help -
That's a small coop and run for so many. Ducks & chickens can get along together reasonably well UNLESS you have a drake. If they try to breed a chicken hen, they can severely injure or kill her. Ducks have much different anatomy than chickens. A drake doesn't care.

I don't think free ranging is safe anywhere unless you have a livestock dog along with the flock. People who do free range realize predators will take some of their flock. If the losses are too great - it's better to have them in a very secure, covered run instead.
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Hi and welcome to BYC from middle Tennessee :welcome I tend to agree that quarters are tight--but chickens will perch and ducks will stay on the ground. I use feather netting to protect my birds and it has been pretty successful--but I've still had predator losses. Here's what I use. its not perfect but does do a good job. The bigger your predators, the higher the joules you need.:caf

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