Is it silly I made my hen a rain "coat" 😂


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
I have an old hen, Starbust, who has to be between 6-8. I don't know for sure, because she wasn't my hen originally. Our friend gave her to us about 5 years ago when she was at the end of her laying span, so I am just guessing her age.

Anyway, her and a few other old ladies hang to with our ducks so the rooster doesn't beat them up, and there isn't a real coop in there. The ducks "coop" or secure night area is just a wire outdoor dog run wrapped in hardware cloth. Its not super dry, but there is a plastic dog kennel in there for some shelter. We are building a real coop in the spring that will have walls and such, so they just have to survive the we season.

She's always getting wet, I don't think she uses the kennel, but I have an old ripped rain coat, so I used a chicken saddle pattern, and then the rain coat to make a waterproof saddle for her, which I am working on attaching wing covers, tail cover, and a "hood" to, to keep her dry! Lol! I can post pictures tomorrow in the day light, its pretty funny and adorable! 😂 I think she appreciates it though!
I would be highly concerned about covering her feathers in waterproof, non-breathable material. Trapping moisture under the feathers and preventing her from being able to preen can't be healthy for her skin. :(

Better to use the old raincoat as the cover on a more waterproof shelter in the pen.
I am not going to have it on her constantly, only when its raining really hard outside. I will dry her off really well before I put it on, thanks for the tips!
I understand the concern, I will be careful. Thank you!
Think my brownie would appreciate one as u can see she not very impressed by rain 😂😂 cant wait to see pics
Sam xx


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