Is it too cold for parasites?


6 Years
Jan 22, 2018
At what temperature do worms or Coccidia become active? We’ve had roller coaster weather, and have had a bit of snow melt the last two days but it’s going to be freezing tonight & subzero again this week. Of course the chickens poop in the melting snow, then drink from the puddles (yuck). I try to keep the poop cleaned up, and they have 3 sources of fresh water, but it’s like trying to clean with a toddler. Would a preventive worming be beneficial, or should I wait until I have symptoms, confirmation of parasites in fecal floats or warmer weather?
I wouldn't worm unless you strongly suspect a heavy worm load by seeing worms in the poop or if your chickens are lethargic and unkempt looking. Getting a fecal float test is very smart because then you can target the species of worm with the proper worming medicine.

Of course there's a greater likelihood of parasites in warm, wet weather than freezing wet, but not unheard of. It was this time of year a few years ago that I discovered many of my flock had lice running marathons on their bodies.

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