Is it TOO early for Christmas lights?

Hang lights? You mean you took yours down from last year?
We left the coop's Christmas lights on all summer. It looked silly, but hardly anybody drives up our road anyway.
Put them up!!!!!!

I have some done already. DH off all next week and we will finish then.
I turn mine on the night of Thanksgiving. Can't wait Love the lights.

Heck I just unplug the frig on the deck of my trailer(once its no longer needed to keep the beer cold), an plug in the lights, they havent been down in so long I think they are helping to hold the roof on the place.
It is never to early to start getting ready for Christmas, Hang them. I start early because it takes me about 2 wks to get them all up, A few years I strung 15,000 lights on the house, way cool. Not this year though energy cost will shock me with that many lights. Oh by the way is it to early to say Merry Christmas to all.

Most cities and tourist locations that are known for light displays now start them by halfway through NOV if not at the beginning of NOV. Personally, I like the day after Thanksgiving for the first day....but it's never too early for a holiday!
I have had mine hung for weeks now. I hang purple rope lights & use them for Halloween, to help light up all my displays.

With all the white "animals" (deer, moose, penguins, polar bears & seals) the purple is a nice contrast. I am picky enough that the animals are segregated to North & South portions of the yard. One year I took everything down really slowly (as certain area melted faster then others...) & my neighbors commented on my "statement" about global warming - had to tell them "No statement, just lazy!"
Why aren't yours up yet, I'm thinking!

Mine have been up since the weekend after Hallowe'en. I put them up early because the idea of being up on a ladder in the ice and cold is not necessarily appealing. I have them on a solar timer so I don't have to do anything with them other than enjoy them.

The Christmas tree will either go up this weekend or the weekend after Thanksgiving.

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