Is it too late to start another round of potatoes?

Treated potatoes will sprout eyes, just takes longer. I usually have enough of our own from the yr before but when I don't I just keep a eye out for a big bag on sale in the winter and let it set till spring. I've actually had some sprout 2-3 foot eyes. Last time I bought actual seed potatoes from a farmer's market it was pretty disappointing. One maybe two eyes on most so you could only cut them in half or had to leave them whole, really added up the $$ per pound for how many plants I could get out of them.
I get nicer 'seed' potatoes just buying store eating one's and letting them set 5-6 months.
I did get some really nice blue seed potatoes from TSC last yr had a lot of eyes on them. Growing them again this yr from left over last yrs harvest.

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