Is it winter or is it worms?

Thank you all for your help and ideas I appreciate all of you very much HugZZ BYC family
I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but I just capture the hen and squirt solution down her throat?

It does seem like the perfect 'yearly' time to do it if we aren't getting any eggs anyway!

I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but I just capture the hen and squirt solution down her throat?

It does seem like the perfect 'yearly' time to do it if we aren't getting any eggs anyway!

Not dumb at all.
Everybody does something for the first time at some point.

It's usually easier to have a helper to hold the bird while you administer the wormer. Be careful when you squirt it in their beaks, go slow, a little at a time and let them swallow each time. You don't want to squirt it all in at once and potentially have them aspirate it into their lungs.
I hope this doesn't sound dumb, but I just capture the hen and squirt solution down her throat?

It does seem like the perfect 'yearly' time to do it if we aren't getting any eggs anyway!


Nope not dumb at all , I just wormed my flock today "like you said not getting many/any eggs any ways so might as well .I wrap a pillow case or towel around them and put then between my legs and open their beak and squirt 1/2 cc undiluted valbazen to the side of their beaks or cheek i guess you can call it so it runs down the side and not into the wind pipe and i squirt slowish so it doesn't splash either .I am 100% positive the older ones are molting and the younger ones are to young to lay by the way @ every one who responded to my post .Every one here is so great with good info and I haven't ran into a troll yet .I love this place

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