is mamma hungry?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 5, 2008
One of my RIR has been sitting for the last 2 days (day and night). She chose an old box in the garage that is pretty far away from the coop/food/water.
Should I provide her a closer source of food and water?
I'm soooo excited...I'm going to have baby chix!!!!!!!
It wouldn't hurt to provide food and water a little closer. I had to take food to my Muscovy hen and kick her off the nest and shut her out of the run until she took a drink a few times because she was so stubborn, and refused to get off the nest (until a few days before the chicken eggs beneath her were ready to hatch, then she got off and refused to return, grrr.) A lot of people put food and water in with their broodies.

If it were me YES I would put another water and food source near her you might upset her very much if you were to move her. I am surprised she choose to be away from everyone one else. That is great! She deserves some nice warm oatmeal!.....
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