Is my Black sex-link broody?


5 Years
Sep 21, 2014
We have two back sex-links that are about 3 years old and one of them has been sitting on egg for two days straight when i go in there she clucks but doesn't try to peck me could she be broody? I kinda hope she is.
A few days ago we did have a hen get sick for about 2 days but shes all better now and the BSL isn't showing the symptoms that the sick hen was showing. I just went in there a few minutes ago and she screamed at me.
My criteria for declaring a hen broody is two nights in a row on the nest. They can fool around on it all day as far as I'm concerned, but they're not serious until they spend the night there. That's when I give them the eggs I want them to hatch, and mark them with sharpie so more can't be added to the clutch.
My criteria for declaring a hen broody is two nights in a row on the nest. They can fool around on it all day as far as I'm concerned, but they're not serious until they spend the night there. That's when I give them the eggs I want them to hatch, and mark them with sharpie so more can't be added to the clutch.
Sorry about the late update( getting ready for chicks to hatch
) but she was off the eggs for a day and now she has been on them all day today. What is she doing?
That's what I mean about messing around on the nest. Sometimes the hen "practices", by staying on the nest much of the day. That's why I don't give her the eggs I want her to hatch until I think she's serious and tight, cause I don't want the eggs messed with like that.

That said, even the best broody has to get off the eggs once a day or so to dust bathe, eat, drink and poop. My hens always spend a few minutes terrorizing the rest of the flock, also, just to remind them who is boss

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