Is my BR a Betty or a Bobbie?

Update: Just saw the Barred Rock ruffle up his hackles to challenge a bird twice his size as they're working out pecking order...females don't do that right? We've started calling him Kevin, like from the movie "Up", except gender confusion in reverse.
Update: Just saw the Barred Rock ruffle up his hackles to challenge a bird twice his size as they're working out pecking order...females don't do that right? We've started calling him Kevin, like from the movie "Up", except gender confusion in reverse.

They all do it, but cockerels tend to be the instigators though. It is unlikely that a pullet would challenge a bigger bird that way IMO.
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I've had spunky young pullets and young roo's challenge bigger birds, although roo's will do it more often. More importantly, the comb size at this age is a bigger indicator you've got a roo...the behavior is just not surprising.


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