Is my chicken a rooster or hen??


In the Brooder
May 29, 2017
It is a wyandotte, about 1 1/2 months possibly 2 months. I need help figuring out if its a rooster or hen


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Hey, I have three chicks near 2 monthss, but I'm not sure if 1 of them is a hen or not. Sorry if it's not a good photo


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One successful way is to pick the chick up by its head. If it kicks it is a rooster.if it does not, then it is a hen. Not fool proof. These creatures are individual 'persons' check the saddle area of the 2 month old. The Rooster will have longer feathers growing, sometimes very noticeable as 'streamers' hanging down. But you know what? Look carefully at the legs. The pullets have legs set farther apart than roosters. They need this space to deliliver that egg.:)
@kiyomi it looks like a pullet
@Chickens 4Ever the chicken pictured looks like a cockerel, I'll only see one picture

@dundee7 please do not do that. You could harm your chick if you lift them up by the head. Also not all hens have their legs farther a part, it is more a of a breed trait then a gender trait.
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@kiyomi it looks like a pullet
@Chickens 4Ever the chicken pictured looks like a cockerel

@dundee7 please do not do that. You could harm your chick if you lift them up by the head. Also not all hens have their legs farther a part, it is more a of a breed trait then a gender trait.

Agreed... are those three different chickens though @chickens4ever... the last picture that one looks like cockerel however that being said don't just go by looks wait for that crow!
Sorry the advise does not work for you. I am 74 yrs old and have dealt with thousands of chicks without harming them. I suggest that YOU never pick a chick up in this manner and instead of studying the legs continue your welcomed expert advise on BYC. Where more chicks die from bad advise than they do being picked up.:) cheers
Given your expertise and years of experience you should probably not recommend somebody pick up their baby chick by their head and see if they kick or not! You even said yourself it's not fool proof... that is why chicks die because somebody gives bad advice and the person handling the chick may not have your high level of expertise! Everybody is entitled to their opinion on here and our opinion is just not to pick a baby chick up by it's head... time will tell if the baby crows or not...

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