Is my Chicken Depressed?

Hi there @Ellie's Herd
And welcome to BYC. I'm sorry for the unfortunate circumstances that brought you here.

Yes your chicken certainly sounds like she's exhibiting signs of loneliness. Chickens aren't meant to live a solitary life.
@AlleysChicks and @MyISAbrownhens both offered constructive suggestions. Keep her entertained both with boredom busters and increased personal attention while you try to find a flockmate or two to be her new BFF's.
I know that it is prudent to quarantine new birds when adding to your flock but since you have only 1 remaining and know you're anxious to see her happy, maybe you could speed things up with the look don't touch method for several days then introduce her friends with your close supervision.

Be certain to provide multiple feeding stations to prevent guarding of resources.

I know I'm seeing the word cannibalism in this thread several times but don't see it in your original post, only a possibility of a death caused by the remaining chicken... or am I wrong?

Cannibalism in poultry is the act of one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food. It commonly occurs in flocks of domestic hens reared for egg production, although it can also occur in domestic turkeys, pheasants and other poultry species.

So correct me if I'm wrong.
You didn't state that your bird killed AND ATE her flock mate.

No one can guarantee that their methods or suggestions will eliminate the POSSIBILITY of negative social issues in a future flock.

I think the longer she's alone the more unhappy she'll become and that it may cause lasting damage to her personality in the long run.

Join your state thread here on these boards, make a trip to you local feed store, and reach out to other chicken owners in your area to see if you can find a few friends of similar size for her soon. Even a couple of retired girlfriends might wind up being just what she needs.

Okay, thank you! And no, it was not cannibalism. They just wanted her gone. They pecked her skull open and put a gash in her back, but that was mainly her brother
How wide and long is it? What is your run material? If you have predator problems I would suggest building one, if you don't have one. Predators are everywhere.

Around 2 feet wide and its some type of wood (not sure which but seems to be strong) and then also it protects them from most things because of the chicken wire

The rooster got eaten during their free range time and we put them back in the coop at night.
Around 2 feet wide and its some type of wood (not sure which but seems to be strong) and then also it protects them from most things because of the chicken wire

The rooster got eaten during their free range time and we put them back in the coop at night.
Hmmm, a few things I would suggest.
Space. Birds need space. Chickens need between 3 and 4 square feet of space per bird in the coop.
Roosting space- ensure there is 10" of roost space per bird as well!
Materials... Don't use chicken wire. It is designed to keep chickens in, not predators out! Hardware cloth is a great alternative or welded wire mesh.
Best of luck! Hopefully you won't suffer any more losses. I know how hard that is :(
Hmmm, a few things I would suggest.
Space. Birds need space. Chickens need between 3 and 4 square feet of space per bird in the coop.
Roosting space- ensure there is 10" of roost space per bird as well!
Materials... Don't use chicken wire. It is designed to keep chickens in, not predators out! Hardware cloth is a great alternative or welded wire mesh.
Best of luck! Hopefully you won't suffer any more losses. I know how hard that is :(

Good to know, and thanks for all of your help. I'm looking for some friendly pullets right now for her to hang out with, and will make those improvements.

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