Is my chicken likely to still be alive

lol I'm from the UK, not sure what the USA equivalent is an Artic truck, except a lot smaller

We let her out after a spell in the run and she hasnt strayed far. I can't count the amount of times I've shoo-ed them out of the kitchen today! Earlier I caught them in the sitting room watching the TV!! We always leave the kitchen door open as we have dogs, cats and kids coming in and out all day.

They had begun to get a bit adventurous and been spending the day in the horses barn digging around which is just outside of our garden, but after yesterday I think they'll stay close for a while.. I must admit I made sure they were both tucked up early tonight.

We don't seem to have so many predators here, we have hawks and foxes but of course we dont get rackoons and the like.. I have got one fox who was straying a bit close to our house but I heard a massive yelp the other night and my cat had clobbered it with his claws as he'd obviously tried to have him and it hasnt come back since.

I have to say I never knew chickens were such a joy to keep, they really are a lot of fun with the bonus of unbelievable eggs. My mother in law wants us to get more, but I reckon I'd be battling a whole army of them out of my kitchen constantly if I did that! lol
Just saw this thread - so happy for a happy ending!

(you know this I'm sure, but other people's dogs running loose are one of the main threats to our feathered friends...)
yes, we are lucky here as were down a private track and no one really knows we're here.. my dogs are really soppy and the chickens definitely rely on them to keep them safe. Whenever the dogs bark the chickens stand to attention!! But I've seen them pin dogs they don't know down, so I don't think one would get close unless they knew it.

I make sure the chickens are put away when our farrier brings his terrier down though as that would be asking a bit too much

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