Is My Chicken Unwell?


5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Hi, please help as I am not sure what to do. I have three chickens, two silkies and one (i think) is a Isa Brown. The Isa Brown usually follows me around the backyard and digs in when they get any food treats. Yesterday I noticed she isn't following me around and will often just stand or sit. Her tail is still up and so are her wings, but she has been pooing greeny yellow/white stuff. About two days ago we gave them some pasta in sauce (she was fine then), I'm not sure if this made her unwell? Please help as any advice is helpful!
Welcome to BYC. How old are your chickens? If you recently got them, or they are young, I would wonder if she has coccidiosis. Treatment in the US is Corid (amprollium) for 5 days or coxoid in some countries (follow label instructions.) I doubt if the pasta was the problem. Yellow-green stools can be caused by a number of things--egg yolk peritonitis in older chickens, E.coli, blackhead disease, and any disease where a chicken is not eating well may cause green stools.
My chickens are around 5 years old. I have also noticed that she has been falling asleep during the day. We live in Australia and the weather has been raining but has now suddenly changed to be hot. She hasn't been laying since around late February.

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