Is my coop too high for baby chicks?


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2023
My blue Cochin, Petunia, has been broody for about 2 weeks and I plan to give her some chicks in a few days. She has been brooding in a nesting box in the coop. The coop is about 3 feet off the ground. I can put a lot of straw on the ground, so would that help their descent? Do you think they could get back in the coop at night? Or should I move her to a shed? I really want her to raise these chicks for me. I appreciate your experience and help!


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Me personally, I think it’s way too high. But maybe they’ll be able to manage. Idk. I would not put them out there though
Give them to her in the same box she's brooding in, for sure. Then after she's accepted them you can move them down to the floor or a separate area. I kept mine in "my" area of the coop last time. (Where I store straw and feed and stuff) That way they were only separated from the flock by a screen door and hardware cloth, and they had their own private entrance with only one step down to the yard/garden. Everyone else had the chicken door side with the ramp down to the run.

Attached some photos so you can understand my space/what I'm talking about. The black hen was helping brood a little bit, but the bielefelder ended up keeping both chicks.

This is my coop from the outside, obviously taken at a different time.Broody and chicks were in the closest part with the human door.


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Coop height is fine. The ramp isn't.
You will probably find you'll need to help mum get the chicks in for two to three days, after which they'll manage on their own.
All my coops are about that height and they have all had mums hatch chicks in them and (with the help I mentioned above) the chicks manage.

Don't worry about the descent, the broody hen will get them down. Mine regularly hatch in nests 4' above the coop floor. The hen tells them to jump when it is time to leave the nest and they do. They do not get hurt.

Getting up is the issue. What typically happens is that the hen flies up to the top of the ramp and tells them to come to her. They gather under her and do not know to go to the end of the ramp. This is probably where Shadrach helps, many people have to. I don't have any ramps. I build steps out of pavers so the chicks can hop up to join the broody. By the time the chicks are 2 weeks old they are usually flying up anyway.

But even with steps it is a good idea for you to be out there at bedtime in case you do need to help.

Another option would be to house them somewhere else. Leave them locked in that shed or some shelter for three days, then let them loose to roam with the flock. I do that sometimes. The hen takes mine to that shelter to sleep each night but roams with the flock during the day so she can integrate them for me.
Thank you all so much for your replies and good advice! I'm hoping this all goes well and really want her to accept the chicks. I appreciate you all sharing your experience.

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