Is My Duck Egg Bound??

The Dim Side

Mar 16, 2021
This is the same duck I posted about before, who got really tired from laying eggs. She laid four of them and felt better over time and hasn't laid again in several days (lost track).

But she's been tired again and keeps swishing her butt trying to poop something out, and it's just leaking like clearish white liquid. It started yesterday and is still going on now. She's still walking around and drinking water but isn't very vocal, but she's eating a little.

Update: She definitely is egg bound. I can feel the egg inside her vent, and I've given her a little calcium gluconate and warm baths. I'm afraid to try massaging or pulling it out and accidentally break it in her.
My duck is egg bound again. I think she just has a chronic condition that she may have been born with (born blind in one eye, too) that causes her problems. Last time I took her to the vet. This time I can see the tip of the egg peeking through her cloaca though. We put her in a warm bath and got some KY Jelly and rubbed it a little around the cloaca and on the egg (though it was a little hard to tell if I got it well since she was already wet from the water).

I had also tried giving her some calcium gluconate, though it was hard to get her to open her mouth, so I don't think I got much in. I did put some into her bath water as well as some chicken elixir stuff that has vitamins and things in it.

She's still drinking some water today and was eating yesterday, not sure about today. I'm just worried about the egg blocking her ability to poop though. She was leaking still this morning. I saw her straining and realized she had been a little lethargic yesterday (though was still digging in the dirt and stuff), just more so lethargic today.

Any other suggestions that I could try doing? I'm scared to try and massage/guide the egg out, but the nearest vet is 1.5 hours away and closed till Monday.

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