Is my duck okay?


Jul 2, 2019
Hello! I am a first time duck owner. I have 6 ducks whom I have fallen in love with.

One of my Swedish Black ducks, Darla, is a bit of an odd duck. She was the smallest of the bunch and didn't really duck right from the start. It took extra attention to get her to drink and she just behaved a bit oddly. I didn't think she would make it. She is now 8 weeks old. She has caught up in size to the others at least but she still is my Derpy Darla, she stands straighter than the others like she's trying to be a Runner and just other different behaviors. (I spend ALOT of time with my ducks).

Anyways I noticed that she holds her wings differently, she seems to move them okay, she flaps them just as well as the others. I touched them and poked them and such and she didn't act like it was hurting her. The others hold their wings tight to their bodies and look smooth. Darla just looks messy like she's having a bad feather day.

Is this a medical concern like Angel wing? Or could this just be another way how my poor Derpy Darla is struggling to "duck" properly?

Thanks for the advice in advanced.


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I wouldn't say it particularly looks like angel wing, but i agree she does look slightly different. Hope somebody else can be of more help, but i'd just carry on as you are doing and keep an eye on her
You have beautiful ducks, I'm no professional but I do have ducks and I've stayed at an Holiday Inn once so..noticed we know our animals best and, as long as she isn't in pain drawing away from the other or them her, and she can keep herself cleaned and Oil she should be fine. Sorry I couldn't be of any help, I feel one day she will turn into a beautiful duck and no longer call her Derby Darla ...maybe Dazzling Darla.:D God bless!
She doesn’t have angel wing, it just looks like she holds her wings differently than the others. As to what could cause this, it think it is simply a normal trait to your duck and is completely normal. Every duck will have different characteristics, whether they’re physical or having to do with their personality. From what I can tell, I believe your duck may have a neurological disorder which might be triggering her different behaviors. What other odd behaviors are you noticing other than her standing unusually tall? Does she have any problems with seeing things?

I have an Ancona hen who has had a neurological disorder since birth. She has her little weird ways but it’s not causing her pain or lessening her quality of life because she doesn’t know any different and she still receives the love and care she needs. Some of the side affects of her dissorder are walking around in circles, limited vision, and she will sometimes stand straight like you’ve been noticing with your bird. As long as she doesn’t seem in pain and she continues to eat and drink normally I don’t think you have anything to worry about with your bird.
@Table4Six thanks. I'm sure she probably does have a neurological problem. When I first got her had to take extra time too get her to drink and even after that she would be near the waterer dip her head and throw it back like she was drinking but not have actually dunk her beak in water. We have lots of airplanes by us and when they first moved outside when they would fly over the others would watch and sit down and get quiet. Darla will stand up straighter and look at it.
Maybe she has some vision problems but she eats fine, socializes fine, comes when I call her and such. If she's a little special it's no big deal. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right for my babies.
She doesn’t have angel wing, it just looks like she holds her wings differently than the others. As to what could cause this, it think it is simply a normal trait to your duck and is completely normal. Every duck will have different characteristics, whether they’re physical or having to do with their personality. From what I can tell, I believe your duck may have a neurological disorder which might be triggering her different behaviors. What other odd behaviors are you noticing other than her standing unusually tall? Does she have any problems with seeing things?

I have an Ancona hen who has had a neurological disorder since birth. She has her little weird ways but it’s not causing her pain or lessening her quality of life because she doesn’t know any different and she still receives the love and care she needs. Some of the side affects of her dissorder are walking around in circles, limited vision, and she will sometimes stand straight like you’ve been noticing with your bird. As long as she doesn’t seem in pain and she continues to eat and drink normally I don’t think you have anything to worry about with your bird.
@Table4Six thanks. I'm sure she probably does have a neurological problem. When I first got her had to take extra time too get her to drink and even after that she would be near the waterer dip her head and throw it back like she was drinking but not have actually dunk her beak in water. We have lots of airplanes by us and when they first moved outside when they would fly over the others would watch and sit down and get quiet. Darla will stand up straighter and look at it.
Maybe she has some vision problems but she eats fine, socializes fine, comes when I call her and such. If she's a little special it's no big deal. I just want to make sure I'm doing everything right for my babies.
It sounds like she and your other ducks have a wonderful home with you. :)
Update on Darla,

Upon closer inspection I'm thinking she may have a crooked spine (or just hold her self crooked) I never dropped her and she wasn't crooked looking when she was smaller... poor baby. Again she eats just fine and moves around alright she doesn't seem to be in pain.

Tried to upload a video butnits not letting me. But here's some more pics. She does have some of the prettiest colors.
Update on Darla,

Upon closer inspection I'm thinking she may have a crooked spine (or just hold her self crooked) I never dropped her and she wasn't crooked looking when she was smaller... poor baby. Again she eats just fine and moves around alright she doesn't seem to be in pain.

Tried to upload a video butnits not letting me. But here's some more pics. She does have some of the prettiest colors. View attachment 1839282 View attachment 1839282 View attachment 1839283
Her body may have grown that way or as you said she may just hold herself differently, but it’s a good sign that she doesn’t seem in pain. She and your other ducks are beautiful.

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