Is my one year old hen black sexlink comb

DE in the feed will do nothing to rid worms. It actually is quite harmful for their lungs.

If you want to help expel worms (but not kill them) "naturally," grind up a batch of fresh pumpkin seeds with cayenne pepper and fresh garlic, enough to look rusty and smell garlicky. That fed to them over about 3 days can help.

You can also go to Molly's Place to purchase an herbal wormer that has wormwood that seems to actually help expel worms. Be mindful that unless you have good field rotation, what they expel with natural remedies they simply pick up again as they scratch foraging on the ground. With small field rotation, eventually you end up with a heavy worm load such that most of us have to resort to meds (unless you are lucky with killing cold winters).

Ok. Can I give them diatomaceous earth in there feed to help deworm them. Can chicks have it?
I wouldn't use it. There's no proof it does anything for internal parasites, and it is a respiratory irritant to both humans and birds.

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