Is my pullet a roo? She is crowing!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 24, 2010
Annapolis, MD
I have 5 hens, a barred rock, 3 RIRs and 1 Black Australorp. My Australorp is much bigger than the other girls and they are all almost 6 months. Just about a week ago, she/he gets up and crows early in the morning.. and sporadically throughout the day. It sounded awful at first, so I was convinced she was still a she.. but she seems to be getting better at it!?

These are my first chickens, and I've already got a complaint from the neighbors.. not formally, but their little girl came over to play and said that her "mommy and daddy said they could hear a chicken crowing from their bed". She didn't make that up on her own!!!

Here are my pics.. what do you think? Thanks!



Yeah, you got a rooster. I still find it a shame that people dislike the crowing of roosters. My mother loves it when she hears them, my grandparents love it as well. Oh well, I'm assuming the lovely boy has to go though.
Thanks guys.. I really appreciate it.

I don't really know what to do with him now.. it's obvious the neighbors aren't happy. I'd give anything to live on a farm and have many roosters.. I find it refreshing to hear them in the morning. My neighborhood is wooded and quiet, but the houses are still kinda close.. probably 1/2 acre lots.

Maybe he'll go great with stuffing.. and fresh garden vegetables. Or perhaps I could re-home him or trade for a hen.
D: Stuffing and vegetables, that's a rooster's worst nightmare, along with the soup pot.
Not too many people will trade a rooster for a hen, however you never know. Do you have a poultry swap near your city? I usually take my chickens there, pretty good quality and a large variety of chickens. If not, you may be able to find someone on BYC to trade with. It's hard for me because the majority of you guys are in the US, while I'm in Canada.
find someone that lives farther out in the country that has chickens. They usually don't mind taking the roosters. Well, at least that's been our experience so far. You may not get anything for him but you won't have to worry about neighbors complaining.
Sorry, but he's a rooster. Not too old so he will still be good as a roaster if you choose to eat him. Sadly enough we have to get along with our neighbors. No, that little girl did not make up that comment on her own. She may even have been coached to deliver it.
Very good point sourland.. now that you mention it.. she doesn't come over very often!

I'm gonna post him on Craigslist.. perhaps I can get enough to grab another hen to replace him.

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