Is my Rooster Mating or fighting them?


8 Years
Nov 16, 2011
Eastern NY
Hi, Ok I notice this with my Cochin Hen the most, the Roo will run over pin her head down and it looks like he is mounting her, He does peck her head area a little but it does seem that he is well u know doing his thing. It lasts about 10 to 15 Secs, then he hops off and they both go back to what ever they were doing.
She puts her up in the air, he seems to be a little rough with her and it seems to always be the cochin, Should I assume that her eggs will be fertile?
That's mating. I've heard cochins can have some fertility problems from the huge fluffy bums. Might impact her fertility, but sounds like the roo is doing his part. She may just not be as submissive as the other hens. Of bigger, and it's harder for him to mount her.
She doe have a little bald spot on her head now, It seems he pecks her some while doing his thing.
I thought I noticed a little bald spot on my hen's head today, too, and I don't like it.

Is this a sign that a rooster is overmating a hen? I have one roo and 3 full-sized hens. He seems to enjoy mating with the older hen the most, the one who has the little bald spot beginning.

I have hen saddles for their backs (so far the hens' back feathers look fine), but can anything be done for the head?

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