Is My She a He?


5 Years
Apr 17, 2014
I'm a new chick mamma and the babies are now three weeks old. I have one chick who is the odd one out .... feathers are 'messy' and the comb is far more pronounced. I don't know the exact type, but they're a bantam ... and looked like a chipmunk when little. I live in the city, so no boys allowed. Trying to determine if I must prepare myself to part with this quirky soul.
I'm a new chick mamma and the babies are now three weeks old. I have one chick who is the odd one out .... feathers are 'messy' and the comb is far more pronounced. I don't know the exact type, but they're a bantam ... and looked like a chipmunk when little. I live in the city, so no boys allowed. Trying to determine if I must prepare myself to part with this quirky soul.

I'm not sure of the breed either but it sure looks like you have a rooster. Sorry.

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