Is my silkie dying young? Help me! What do I do?

I gave her breakfast this morning and i just gave her low calorie fruit punch gatorade. She loves this stuff! She wont eat without me holding her up. But she loves, loves, loves the syringe! She chases it with her head. She is able to stand now. She has pooped 7 times today! Poop is normal hard, white, green, dark green or black.
Anything else I can do for her? Her wing is swollen... she is walking and eatting by herself now but her right should is higher than the other and she cannot use it. When she falls she seems to be in pain, and if I have her legs hanging down she starts to kick and it hurts her. She seems to be in so much pain right now!
If she doesn't improve soon I recommend taking her to the vet, but other than that do a little research to see of you can help her, but you should seperate her from your other chickens, they might be harming her because she is sick

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