Is my turkey a dwarf? Can't find any info anywhere.


Jul 9, 2022
I have a dozen or so heritage turkeys. One of the Chocolates seems to have small legs, is not growing much, and has a small body. It walks oddly too -- more of a waddle or a shuffle.
Does this poult have dwarfism or something?

I thought failure to thrive chicks died fairly quickly, I didn't realize that they could live that long. How long can they live?
In my experience 'failure to thrive' is frequently a result of cardiac problems of some sort. Such birds/animals grow for a while, plateau and then regress and die. In other instances I have seen birds suddenly snap out of it, develop normally, and eventually catch up to their hatch mates. :idunno
I thought failure to thrive chicks died fairly quickly, I didn't realize that they could live that long. How long can they live?
No clue. Usually mine are free ranged with broodies, so they die off fairly quick. This one has been artificially raised with her group, so she has feed and water whenever she wants and is always checked at night as part of the head count. She won't be bred, obviously if she lives long enough to lay, but she doesnt eat much (obviously), so she'll just stick around until she either goes down hill or passes in the night.

She's the same age as the two pullets next to her. One is her breed, the other is a marans, but both were in the same shipment as her. Still spunky today.

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