Is 'nastiness' in Roosters truly heritable?


12 Years
Jul 22, 2008
South Central MA
I have heard it said that it is, but is there any real data?

As far as I know, alot of people cull nasty roos and never breed them. So how do we know?

Is there any hard evidence available say, from repeated breeding trials with such birds?
Like you say, I've never hatched anything from my nasty boys, but I will say that the chicks produced from my sweet boys do have their sweet temperaments. So if it works in one direction, I would think it could work the other way too. If my nasty boys were almost perfect specimens, you bet your butt I would breed them and take my chances, but they are not, so why chance it? Freezer Camp is calling them, and I would hate to think of a yard full of nasties!
Games are proof that birds with a particular temperament can indeed pass it on to other generations.

A good Game is human friendly (not a manfighter) but a murderer at heart toward others of his own kind.
You bet. There are plenty of examples BYC folks can give you. Many want sons from my Suede because 99.9% of the time, they inherit his calm, easygoing temperament. There are other lines that folks can tell you they'd sell in a heartbeat because the progeny are mean as snakes.
very very appreciated, Sal and Cyn.

I love good data--and from knowledgable folks like you

it is also very interesting. I had never even considered Games. (Does that = Game cocks?)

It would be interesting to see the gene's (or genes') nature. Like is it autosomal or SL (gotta be nasty girls, too, eh?!), dominant or recessive, incompletely dom..............?

I do tend to ask rather academic--maybe too rarified--questions sometimes.
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My first rooster russel crow was a mean bird. I kept hoping he would improve but didn't. We processed him. Soon after one of my BO's went broody and hatched out 6 babies. Two were roosters. One was killed by a dog. The other Russel Junior (RJ) was a wonderful rooster. My two boys carried him around all the time and was very friendly. I would recommend using friendly roosters as breeders, but the mean ones can have good offspring too.
Hens will pass aggression to her off spring also.
I have a Black Game hen that every one of her offspring [both males and females] are straight up mean, (not a man fighter) but will take on anything else.

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Temperament is one of those characteristics which is hereditable but involves a variety of genes and can be modified by handling and environment. However, any human-aggressive animal big enough to do real harm (and I have scar tissue and nerve damage in my right thigh caused by being spurred by a RIR roo thirty years ago) is not worth having around, let alone breeding. That a human aggressive rooster will father a greater number of more-than-acceptably human aggressive offspring is of secondary consideration when compared to the greater work/alertness/general hassle of keeping a nasty roo.
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When I was younger, the only birds I seemed to get my hands on had bad temperaments. I only hatched from these birds as they were the only ones I could get. None of the offspring ever showed the same temperaments as the parents.

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