Is one white chick like another?

It really looks like a cornish cross to me, but is she hefty? Some of them run smaller than others and her breast looks very wide, her legs are very big? But then again maybe it's just a white rock? She is a very nice healthy looking bird.
When compared to the other birds in the same pen she is not what I would call hefty or food obsessive.

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Robin'sBrood :

What's an Orffington?

I have to agree, she sure looks like a White Orpington but her lack of tail feathers is weird. Has she ever had any?

Found a thread with a WO pullet for you to compare yours to...

Appreciate the link to the topic. My search abilities never seem to find what I think should be easy
In between cups of coffee this morning I have been reviewing suggested breeds and trying to compare pictures of what's been posted. As for the tail feathers I don't "think" she has had any in the past. I really have not studied her much. There are about 40 chicks in this group and I have been more focused on their daily care and making sure all are getting along etc. She has always been accepted and not picked on. Does not really call attention to herself. Now that she is actually getting a more mature look about her I was wondering if any breed characteristics were showing up. As I have mentioned, she's not going anywhere until fully mature so I have time to watch her develop. Maybe the no tail is a result of the hatchery breeding????​
She looks like a white rock pullet to me. I found this girls' site with her pics . Look similar.
Initially, I thought Cornish X (broiler bird), but quickly changed my mind. I have meat birds on the brain.
sunny & the 5 egg layers :

How about a Rhode Island White?

Though, when you compared her to your Buff Orpington their faces looked a lot a like.

The American Livestock Conservancy notes the Rhode Island White to have a rose comb and legs appear to be yellow. With all of the other suggested breeds each may be a white body but legs have been very yellow and this hen I have is just white all over. So she could be a cross of some sort or a White Orpington with no tail at the moment or ..... mystery continues

I have appreciated all of the suggestions so far and have looked up each one and studied them to compare.​

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