Is our Well water safe?


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2020
Hello :)

Back story; all summer long we use rain water for our chickens. We are in BC, Canada, so now that winter is here we’re in a bit of a pickle. We have a well on our acreage, and the water is fine for all household needs. For drinking we have a reverse osmosis system, but that is not feasible to use for all the water I need for my birds!

Our well report is boring/good for the most part, with the exception of high sodium levels (905 mg/L)
There are no harmful bacteria present.

My question is: is this sodium level safe for the birds?

Help is appreciated!! Explores effects of high sodium intake on poultry and what symptoms of toxicity you would need to be on the alert for.

As a comparison, the US Environmental Protection Agency here in this country, has determined anything over 20mg/L is too much for human consumption. Poultry would likely experience toxicity at levels lower than that.
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I, too, suffer from sodium levels - lower in the spring, but higher during dry summers. Mine got up to 300 mg/L...60 mg/L is ok for humans....I don't think I'd let my birds drink the 900 level. Excessive levels of sodium have a diuretic effect. The normal sodium level is about 32 mg/L. Levels above 50 mg/L, together with high levels of sulfate or chloride, have been shown to adversely affect flock performance. High levels of sodium also increase water consumption and litter moisture. This can have an adverse effect on air quality in the poultry house.
Thank You for your message. We are thinking of installing a reverse osmosis system. We do collect rain water most of the year, but where we live in Canada, that’s not an option for the winter months :)

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